Healthy Spaces

How can we create the right space for our health and well-being? Lighting, colours, shapes, appearance and functionality all make a SPACE pleasant. But there are other factors that are FELT
rather than seen.

GRUPO PAGÈS BCN invites you to become aware of your surroundings to create the best spaces for health and well-being. Some factors lead to biological imbalances. They weaken our immunological system and cause disorders such as insomnia, fibromyalgia, irritations, headaches or even cancer. The strong charge of energy affecting certain sites is called GEOPATHY (Geo = Earth, Pathy = Illness). Before making alterations or buying a home or workplace, it is a good idea to first get information on the materials present there and make a GEOBIOLOGICAL SURVEY so you can take the necessary measures. The GEOBIOLOGICAL SURVEY detects these disturbances, makes us aware of the space we are in and suggests solutions to improve HEALTH and WELL-BEING. suggests solutions to improve HEALTH and WELL-BEING.

Creating right spaces for health and well-being

There are two types of disturbances we have to know before choosing the plot and/or the home Natural disturbances and Artificial disturbances

Healthy homes

The place where we spend most of our lives

must be thought of as a SPACE for the HEALTH and WELL-BEING of our bodies, offering comfort, rest and daily regeneration.

Take advice from experts who know about the geo-energy, electromagnetic and circadian influences of the space that can adversely affect your harmony, sleep and health.


In 1982, the World Health Organisation (WHO) reported that some buildings could be a HEALTH risk due to what it call “SICK BUILDING SYNDROME” (SBS). These are modern buildings with strong static environmental electromagnetic radiation, radioactive construction materials, etc.

Generally, they are office buildings requiring high levels of technology with strong electromagnetic contamination. They are generally hermetically enclosed and the construction materials used include concrete, steel and oil-derivative materials. Basically, they are buildings where BIOLOGICAL INTEGRITY has not been considered during construction.



At GRUPO PAGÈS BCN, we want to build homes that promote sleep, vitality, emotional harmony and well-being in the people who live in them or provide easy-to-implement solutions in homes with diagnosed pathologies that are already lived in.


We offer you an energy design system intended to provide quality in planning projects, tourist complexes, property developments, housing and offices.

Through interventions that do not interfere with or adversely affect the construction processes with tools and harmonisers that are easy to implement.