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in Begues (Barcelona)

From 252.000 €

Parking and storage included

Flats and duplexes with 2, 3, 4, and 5 bedrooms.
We offer you the best working team depending on the type of work and the construction method to be used and taking into account the approved design and budget, once the works licence or corresponding municipal permission has been granted.
When you need to rehabilitate, renovate, or expand a space, be it a home, a business, or an industrial warehouse, we will analyze the current state of the existing construction and study your proposals. Once we have a clear diagnosis, we will propose the solution that best meets your needs, following the guidelines you have set for us in terms of design type, deadlines, execution schedule, and budget limit.
Regarding the construction system to be used, we will propose the one that best adapts depending on the conditions of the existing work. We can propose both a solution with traditional construction (wet work) or prefabricated (dry work), which once completed will be fully integrated into the resulting ensemble.
It is the most common construction system in Spain, also known as wet construction.
It is a handmade construction system, constituted by load-bearing walls made of ceramic bricks, concrete blocks, etc., or reinforced concrete or steel structures, with enclosures based on walls executed on site.
It is the most well-known system; it is used to create noble, durable, and solid constructions with complete design freedom.
Wet construction is slow, heavy, weather-dependent, and consequently more expensive.
It is the most common construction system in Spain, also known as wet construction.
PREFABRICATED PANELS: Constructions made from standardized sections (like LEGO pieces) that are manufactured in a factory and assembled on site.
PREFABRICATED MODULES: Also known as “mobile homes,” where the constructions are assembled in a factory and transported by trucks to the site where they will be installed.
Speed of execution, less environmental impact, high energy efficiency, sound insulation, eco-friendly, guaranteed factory quality control, low maintenance, use of a large amount of recyclable materials, lighter weight, and lower price than traditional construction.
Design limitation due to the standardization of the manufacturing process and transportation to the assembly or installation site.
Panels based on a wooden structure, forming a “sandwich” of several layers, with different high-quality materials that are environmentally friendly, to confer rigidity, insulation, and surface finish to the assembly. With these, we can assemble facade walls, interior divisions, slabs, inclined roofs, flat roofs, and terraces.
Perfect for building passive houses
The types of constructions made with this construction system have extremely high energy efficiency. The thermal transmittance of these panels ranges between U=0.15W/m²K* for facade panels and U=0.18W/m²K* for the rest. They are eco-friendly and recyclable, as they are made from natural and eco-friendly materials.
With these panels we can build constructions up to three storeys high. Standardisation and transport will limit the size of the panels to 12 x 2.90 m and the size of floors and ceilings to a maximum of 5 m between load-bearing walls.
It is an ideal construction system for rebuilds due to its lightness. The facade panel with rock wool is 27.40 cm thick, weighs just 57.70 kg/m2; the floor/ceiling panel is 23.20 cm thick and weighs 49.60 kg; and the inclined roof panel is 28 cm thick and weighs 40.50 kg.
They are constructions (volumetric modules) made from a galvanized steel structure with “sandwich” type enclosures formed by different finishing and insulation materials, chosen based on the type of enclosure, whether it is facade, roof, or floor. We have an extensive catalog of constructions: homes, offices, and other commercial buildings. We can also customize the layouts to adapt to your needs and preferences.
We can make compositions from several modules. We are limited only by the standardisation of the industrial process and by transport. Constructions can be up to 14.15 m long by 4.5 m wide and stand a maximum of two storeys high. The buildings have been designed according to the CTE and thermally insulated to achieve minimum thermal transmittance values, thus achieving high energy efficiency results.
The homes are delivered fully finished and ready to live in.
coming soon.
From 252.000 €
Parking and storage included
Flats and duplexes with 2, 3, 4, and 5 bedrooms.
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